ArchAIDE Revolution is Now!

The ArchAIDE Project, founded within the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, is now at the end of the third year. This site contains all the information and documentation generated by the project including deliverables, published papers, blog post, interviews to key members of the team and much more .

From June 2016 to May 2019 the project produced many results among which:

  • A knowledge-base of pottery forms, decoration styles and stamps used as reference by the automatic pottery classification tools
  • Machine Learning algorithms for decoration and shape recognition from pottery sherds
  • A mobile app (iOS, Android) supporting archaeologists in their work on the field which integrates recognition tools and knowledge-base
  • A web site (ArchAIDE Desktop) providing the same services as the app to internet users and much more

All the tools are publicly available for evaluation and experimentation. In particular, you may find the mobile app on the official stores AppStore and GooglePlay.
The ArchAIDE Desktop may be reached from your browser following the link.

Video Blog

Blog & News

15 יוני 2020
ArchAIDE system. The AI to the automatic recognition of ceramic - Webinar
4 pm. - Webinar organized by the General Directions of Education, research and cultural institutions, by the University of Cassino and South Lazio, and by the German Archaeological Institute of Rome. Speakers: Gabriele Gattiglia and Francesca...
21 פברואר 2020
TourismA 2020
ArchAIDE will be present at TourismA 2020 event from 21 to 23 February 2020. We will wait for you at ArchAIDE stand to show how the App works!
08 ינואר 2020
ArchAIDE in Koln
Michael Remmy presents ArchAIDE project and results during the Digital Humanities-Kolloquium at the University of Koln.
12 דצמבר 2019
AI in Geomatics for CH Conference
MAPPALab - UNIPI team will attend the "AI in Geomatics for Cultural Heritage" in Torino. Nevio Dubbini will present the paper titled: "ArchAIDE, an integrated system to classify archaeological pot-sherds with Deep Learning".
05 דצמבר 2019
Presenting ArchAIDE in Lund
Gabriele Gattiglia from the MAPPA Lab, University of Pisa, will be in Lund, hosted by the DARKLab, at the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History for presenting the fantastic results of ArchAIDE!!!
07 נובמבר 2019
ArchAIDE at Machine Learning and archaeology conference
Gabriele Gattiglia and Francesca Anichini present "ArchAIDE: A Neural Network for automated recognition of archaeological pottery" at Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning in Archaeology Conference
20 ספטמבר 2019
ArchAIDE at Heritage in Motion Awards ceremony
Francesca Anichini and Gabriele Gattiglia from the University of Pisa attended the Heritage in Motion Awards ceremony where ArchAIDE project received the prize as best "App" of the year.
04 ספטמבר 2019
ArchAIDE at EAA2019
ArchAIDE will be present at the EAA2019 with two papers and a dedicated booth at the European Archaeology Fair from 4 to 7 September 2019. We'll be waiting for you at Stand n.9
25 יולי 2019
ArchAIDE Final Review
The Final Review of the project has scheduled on 25 July 2019. ArchAIDE team members will tell about the steps of the work, problems, results and outcomes to the EU commission... Fingers crossed!
24 יולי 2019
ArchAIDE Pre-Meeting
ArchAIDE pre-con meeting will be held in the Tour4EU office at Regione Toscana in Brussels. The meeting will see ArchAIDE team members involved to finalize the EU Final Review scheduled on 25 July 2019
30 מאי 2019
Presenting ArchAIDE at University of Durham
ArchAIDE team members will be host by the Department of Archaeology of Durham University to present ArchAIDE system and discuss potential future collaboration. MAPPA Lab researchers will meet Prof. Anna Leone and her team.
15 מאי 2019
ArchAIDE General Meeting
The last ArchAIDE General Meeting before the end of the project will be hosted in Pisa on 15 May. Team members will discuss on feedbacks and ideas collected during the Final Conference from the archaeological community, and they will prepare the...
13 מאי 2019
Archaeorevolution is now. ArchAIDE Final Conference
Archaeorevultion is now, the final conference of ArchAIDE, will be hosted by the University of Pisa at Centro Congresso Le Benedettine on 13-14 May 2019. The archaeological community has invited to attend the event and discover the results of the...
06 מאי 2019
ArchAIDE at 3DOR2019
Gabriele Gattiglia will present "ArchAIDE. A Neural Network for automated recognition of archaeological pottery" at 3DOR2019 conference. More information and program on the website of the conference.
23 אפריל 2019
CAA2019 ArchAIDE Workshop
ArchAIDE will attend the CAA2019 with a workshop dedicated to explain the project and test the ArchAIDE app.
20 מרץ 2019
ArchAIDE at Symposium and Policy Debate in Brussels
Gabriele Gattiglia (MAPPA Lab - University of Pisa) as coordinator of ArchAIDE project will attend the CH Symposium and Policy Debate organized by REACH and European Commission in Brussels on 20th and 21th of March 2019. Symposium and Debate will...
04 פברואר 2019
International Colloquium on Digital Archaeology in Bern
ArchAIDE will attend International Colloquium on: "Digital Archaeology Quantitative approaches, spatial statistics and socioecological modelling" organized by the University of Bern, on 4-6 February 2019
03 דצמבר 2018
Second ArchAIDE Multiplier Event - Barcelona
The second ArchAIDE' multiplier event will be held in Barcelona organized by the University of Barcelona team and the Museu d'Història de la ciutat de Barcelona (MUHBA) on 3rd December 2018. The latest results of the project will be showing to...
15 נובמבר 2018
Fair of European Innovators in Cultural Heritage
Organised by the European Commission as a key event of 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage, the 'Fair of European Innovators in Cultural Heritage' will take place on 15-16 November 2018 in Brussels. ArchAIDE will be there!
14 נובמבר 2018
ArchAIDE at REA Workshop
ArchAIDE will attend the REA Workshop "Common challenges and perspectives for Digital Cultural Heritage in H2020 projects. Building on lessons learnt and strengthening the societal impact".


A great team!
General Meeting Pisa May 2019 - Aperitivo
Final Conference Pisa May 2019
ArchAIDE Vienna Nov2018
Presentation and results of ArchAIDE project - EAA2018 Barcelona
Talking about the revolution. Innovation in communication within the ArchAIDE project
Workshop, Athens 14 May 2018
Fair of European Innovators in Cultural Heritage
Italian training day. Pisa, 23 Marzo 2018 Il progetto
Una nuova frontiera per la documentazione e l’interpretazione della ceramica
EVA/Minerva Conference on Digitisation of Cultural Heritage
Common challenges and perspectives for Digital Cultural Heritage in H2020 projects
II Congreso Internacional de musealización y puesta en valor del Patrimonio Cultural LEGATVM 2.0
Italian training day. Campagne fotografiche sulle classi ceramiche test
Una rete neurale per il riconoscimento automatico della ceramica: il progetto ArchAIDE
A mobile app for the automatic recognition of archaeological potsherds: the ArchAIDE project
Navigating a new digital interface: using automated image recognition to identify pottery in the ArchAIDE project
Una rete neurale per l’archeologia
ArchAIDE Projekttreffen und EAA in Maastricht

ArchAIDE Library

Documents & Paper

Classificare le ceramiche: dai metodi tradizionali all’intelligenza articiale. L’esperienza del progetto ArchAIDE.

Monografie IBAM, 14 CNR, Catania 2018, pp.285-298

...Talking about the revolution. Innovation in communication within the Archaide project

Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, 2018, pp.651-666

ArchAIDE: Archaeological Automatic Interpretation and Documentation of cEramics

Euromed, Nicosia, 2018, pp.60-65

D10.4 Web APIs for REST services
Deliverable 10.4 documents completion of the ArchAIDE Semantic Web database for use by Web APIs and REST services as described in Task 10.2 and developed by UoY with support of UB and UCO and INERA.
D10.3 Dissemination kit (final release)
Deliverable 10.3 presents the implementation of Task 10.4: Dissemination and promotion based on the plan set out in D10.1 Dissemination plan, for the professional and academic archaeological community. 
D8.1 report of final recommendation for WP8
Deliverable 8.1 represents the report of final recommendation for WP8. This deliverable evaluates the results obtained after tasks 8.1 and 8.2, which represents the first assessment of the overall system through the report on testbeds.
D7.2 Release of the final version of the mobile app and the desktop front-end
Deliverable 7.2 represents the description of the work carried out to reach the release of the final version of the mobile app and of the desktop front-end of the system of archiving (catalogues) and of the automatic recognition tools of ceramic.
D1.7 Progress Report 2
Deliverable 1.7 represents the Second Progress Report. Every work carried out in the Second year of the project has described here.
Promotional Video - report
Deliverable 9.3 represents the ArchAIDE final video production intended as documentation of the various phases of the project. It has been produced merging and editing all the video material produced during the project timeline, partly already published on social channels, and adding brand new unpublished video material. 
Talking about the revolution. Innovation in communication within the ArchAIDE project

Talking about the revolution. Innovation in communication within the ArchAIDE project - Poster presented by Francesca Anichini, Holly Wright, Llorenç Vila at the 3rd International Conference on Best Practices in World Heritage (Mahon, Minorca – 2-5 May 2018)

VASESKETCH: Automatic 3D Representation of Pottery from Paper Catalogue Drawings - Poster

Contribution by CNR and Tel Aviv University' team members to describe the automated pipeline for digitization of catalogue drawings of pottery types development in ArchAIDE project (Poster).

EMAC2017 poster
ArchAIDE project: presentation and preliminary results at EMAC 2017 Conference -  6 September 2017, Bordeaux
ArchAIDE Mid-project Results
A datasheet on the mid-project results of ArchAIDE.
Big Archaeological Data. The ArchAIDE project approach
Digitisation has changed archaeology deeply, but it does not by itself involve datafication. Datafication fits a Big Data approach and promises to go significantly beyond digitisation. To datafy archaeology would mean to produce a flow of data starting from the data produced by the archaeological practice. The ArchAIDE project goes exactly in this direction.
The ArchAIDE Project: results and perspectives after the first year
Paper, describes the work carried out during the first year of life of the project. The main focus is on the procedure for
digitizing paper catalogues in an automatic way, and more precisely on archaeologist’s methodologies, digitalization
of text, vectorization of technical drawings, and shape-based classification of virtual fragments.
From digitization to datafication. A new challenge is approaching archaeology
Paper by Gabriele Gattiglia (UNIPI) at the AIUCD 2017 Conference
VASESKETCH: Automatic 3D Representation of Pottery from Paper Catalogue Drawings
Contribution by CNR and Tel Aviv University' team members to describe the automated pipeline for digitization of catalogue drawings of pottery types development in ArchAIDE project.
Progress Report 1
Deliverable D1.4. First annual progress report of the ArchAIDE Project. 
CAA Poster

Poster with the main steps of ArchAIDE presented at CAA 2017 Conference in Atlanta (USA).

Website and promotional kit
Deliverable D9.2. This deliverable is part of WP9 “Communication/Public engagement/Innovation”. It describes the activities related to the creation of the web site and the promotional kit for the project. These products start from the ideas set out in the Communication Plan (D9.1) and follow the communication strategy described in that plan.
ArchAIDE - Archaeological Automatic Interpretation and Documentation of cEramics (EUROGRAPHICS)
Paper describing the ArchAIDE Project at EUROGRAPHIC Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (2016).
ORDP: Open Research Data Pilot

Deliverable D10.2. All research data collected and generated during the project will be managed securely during the project lifetime, made available as Open Access data by the project end, and securely preserved in the Archaeology Data Service (ADS) repository into perpetuity. The online Data Management Plan (DMP) is available to view here.

Dissemination Plan
Deliverable D10.1. The primary aim of the Dissemination Plan is to outline the strategy for raising awareness about the ArchAIDE project amongst researchers, professionals and students in archaeological disciplines and the wider scientific community, activate their desire to use technologies developed by the project, and facilitate the potential to change working practice within the domain.