ArchAIDE Library
Classificare le ceramiche: dai metodi tradizionali all’intelligenza articiale. L’esperienza del progetto ArchAIDE.
Monografie IBAM, 14 CNR, Catania 2018, pp.285-298
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...Talking about the revolution. Innovation in communication within the Archaide project
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, 2018, pp.651-666
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ArchAIDE: Archaeological Automatic Interpretation and Documentation of cEramics
Euromed, Nicosia, 2018, pp.60-65
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Talking about the revolution. Innovation in communication within the ArchAIDE project
Talking about the revolution. Innovation in communication within the ArchAIDE project - Poster presented by Francesca Anichini, Holly Wright, Llorenç Vila at the 3rd International Conference on Best Practices in World Heritage (Mahon, Minorca – 2-5 May 2018)
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VASESKETCH: Automatic 3D Representation of Pottery from Paper Catalogue Drawings - Poster
Contribution by CNR and Tel Aviv University' team members to describe the automated pipeline for digitization of catalogue drawings of pottery types development in ArchAIDE project (Poster).
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EMAC2017 poster
ArchAIDE project: presentation and preliminary results at EMAC 2017 Conference - 6 September 2017, Bordeaux
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ArchAIDE Mid-project Results
A datasheet on the mid-project results of ArchAIDE.
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Big Archaeological Data. The ArchAIDE project approach
Digitisation has changed archaeology deeply, but it does not by itself involve datafication. Datafication fits a Big Data approach and promises to go significantly beyond digitisation. To datafy archaeology would mean to produce a flow of data starting from the data produced by the archaeological practice. The ArchAIDE project goes exactly in this direction.
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The ArchAIDE Project: results and perspectives after the first year
Paper, describes the work carried out during the first year of life of the project. The main focus is on the procedure for
digitizing paper catalogues in an automatic way, and more precisely on archaeologist’s methodologies, digitalization
of text, vectorization of technical drawings, and shape-based classification of virtual fragments.
digitizing paper catalogues in an automatic way, and more precisely on archaeologist’s methodologies, digitalization
of text, vectorization of technical drawings, and shape-based classification of virtual fragments.
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From digitization to datafication. A new challenge is approaching archaeology
Paper by Gabriele Gattiglia (UNIPI) at the AIUCD 2017 Conference
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VASESKETCH: Automatic 3D Representation of Pottery from Paper Catalogue Drawings
Contribution by CNR and Tel Aviv University' team members to describe the automated pipeline for digitization of catalogue drawings of pottery types development in ArchAIDE project.
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CAA Poster
Poster with the main steps of ArchAIDE presented at CAA 2017 Conference in Atlanta (USA).
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ArchAIDE - Archaeological Automatic Interpretation and Documentation of cEramics (EUROGRAPHICS)
Paper describing the ArchAIDE Project at EUROGRAPHIC Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (2016).
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