ArchAIDE Library
D10.4 Web APIs for REST services
Deliverable 10.4 documents completion of the ArchAIDE Semantic Web database for use by Web APIs and REST services as described in Task 10.2 and developed by UoY with support of UB and UCO and INERA.
Deliverable document D10.3 Dissemination kit (final release)
Deliverable 10.3 presents the implementation of Task 10.4: Dissemination and promotion based on the plan set out in D10.1 Dissemination plan, for the professional and academic archaeological community.
Deliverable document D8.1 report of final recommendation for WP8
Deliverable 8.1 represents the report of final recommendation for WP8. This deliverable evaluates the results obtained after tasks 8.1 and 8.2, which represents the first assessment of the overall system through the report on testbeds.
Deliverable document D7.2 Release of the final version of the mobile app and the desktop front-end
Deliverable 7.2 represents the description of the work carried out to reach the release of the final version of the mobile app and of the desktop front-end of the system of archiving (catalogues) and of the automatic recognition tools of ceramic.
Deliverable document D1.7 Progress Report 2
Deliverable 1.7 represents the Second Progress Report. Every work carried out in the Second year of the project has described here.
Deliverable document Promotional Video - report
Deliverable 9.3 represents the ArchAIDE final video production intended as documentation of the various phases of the project. It has been produced merging and editing all the video material produced during the project timeline, partly already published on social channels, and adding brand new unpublished video material.
Deliverable document Progress Report 1
Deliverable D1.4. First annual progress report of the ArchAIDE Project.
Deliverable document Website and promotional kit
Deliverable D9.2. This deliverable is part of WP9 “Communication/Public engagement/Innovation”. It describes the activities related to the creation of the web site and the promotional kit for the project. These products start from the ideas set out in the Communication Plan (D9.1) and follow the communication strategy described in that plan.
Deliverable document ORDP: Open Research Data Pilot
Deliverable D10.2. All research data collected and generated during the project will be managed securely during the project lifetime, made available as Open Access data by the project end, and securely preserved in the Archaeology Data Service (ADS) repository into perpetuity. The online Data Management Plan (DMP) is available to view here.
Dissemination Plan
Deliverable D10.1. The primary aim of the Dissemination Plan is to outline the strategy for raising awareness about the ArchAIDE project amongst researchers, professionals and students in archaeological disciplines and the wider scientific community, activate their desire to use technologies developed by the project, and facilitate the potential to change working practice within the domain.
Deliverable document